Yet another automated robot has fallen for the trap!
This week I joined another scam presentation from the same company as the previous blog:
These presentations claim to be “live” but they are clearly pre-recorded and have automated bots to answer some of your general questions. To catch them out, I tend to give absurd answers to see what the response would be. In today’s presentation, the host asked: “Where are you from?”, to which my response was:

For those not familiar, “Mordor” is a fictional place created by writer J. R. R. Tolkien from the “Lord of the Rings” franchise. Clearly, these scammers do not care whether we live in a fictional world or not – all they care about is taking our money.
One more point to conclude – the sentences underlined in red are also lies. Yes, it is not possible to see other people’s messages, but this is more indicative that you are the only person in the webinar. You can test to see if the host is truly live – send the host a whole bunch of questions and see if he/she answers them live without the host using the chat box function.
As always, do not let your money be stolen by these charlatans.